
Mobilpriser når du ringer eller sender SMS / MMS i utlandet 

Bruk i Romania

Bruk telefonen akkurat som hjemme når du er på reise i EU/EØS! 
Har du inkludert tale, SMS og data i abonnementet,
bruker du også av dette i EU/EØS og Storbritannia. 
Dersom du har et FolkePakka Full Data abonnement kan du bruke 50 GB i EU/EØS. Bruker du mer enn dette faktureres du 0,02 kroner per MB. Med FamiliePakka Full Data kan du bruke 100 GB data og betaler kun 0,02 kr per MB etter det. PrøveKjøp inkluderer 10 GB mobildata i EU/EØS, deretter belastes det 0,02 kr/MB.

Disse landene er inkludert i EU/EØS 

Når du er i EU/EØS og ringer til land utenfor EU/EØS gjelder priser under.

Bruk av mobildata 
Inkludert i abonnement
Ringe til Norge 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Motta samtaler 
Inkludert i abonnement
Sende SMS 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Sende MMS 
Inkludert i abonnement**
Motta MMS-meldinger 
Inkludert i abonnement**
Ringe lokalt 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Ringe EU/EØS 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Ringe resten av Europa
5,00 pr. min
Ringe verden 
19,00 pr. min 
Oppstartpris per samtale 
Inkludert i abonnement*

*For abonnement uten Fri tale og SMS aktivert gjelder 0,99 kr per min / oppstart av samtale og 0,69 kr per SMS

**Mobildata kreves

Andre mobiltjenester

Romania: +40

Nummer Navn/Beskrivelse Mer informasjon
800 Freephone Numbers
801 Shared-Cost Numbers Shared costs numbers. Universal access numbers
805 Other Numbers for burst traffic services
808 Other Numbers for indirect access to services
900 Premium-Rate numbers Miscellaneous information (general, business, marketing, utility-related etc.), entertainment, games and contests
903 Premium-Rate numbers Miscellaneous information (general, business, marketing, utility-related etc.), entertainment, games and contests
906 Premium-Rate numbers Adult entertainment
118 Other Directory enquiry service
19 Other Public interest services at a national level and general interest services
Tilgang via Beskrivelse Nedlastningslenke Tilleggsinformasjon
Emergency calls (voice) 1. Voice calls to the emergency number 112. 2. The VoWiFi functionality allows placing a call to 112 when the mobile operator's network does not have coverage. In this case, the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) technology is used which enables the provision of voice services via a Wi-Fi network.
Emergency applications Call 112 ("Apel 112") is the application developed by the national emergency call service administrator, for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to read the location information generated by the existing location services on the phone and transmit the geographical position of the phone to the 112 System. The application uses the data connection (Internet) and the location service of the mobile phone to transmit to the 112 System the location information in AML (Advanced Mobile Location) format, containing the geographical coordinates of the mobile phone. Last ned The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore.
Emergency applications Call 112 ("Apel 112") is the application developed by the national emergency call service administrator, for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to read the location information generated by the existing location services on the phone and transmit the geographical position of the phone to the 112 System. The application uses the data connection (Internet) and the location service of the mobile phone to transmit to the 112 System the location information in AML (Advanced Mobile Location) format, containing the geographical coordinates of the mobile phone. Last ned The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore.
Other The eCall System enables the placing of an emergency call from inside the vehicle to the 112 System. This call can be placed automatically, through the activation of a set of in-vehicle sensors or manually, and it is established through mobile wireless communications networks, sending a standardised minimum set of data (MSD) and establishing an audio channel between the occupants of the vehicle and the most appropriate public safety answering point.
Tilgang via Type Lenke til beskrivelse Nedlastningslenke Tilleggsinformasjon
RO-ALERT system allows sending Cell Broadcast messages to warn and alert citizens in case of emergency, according to the legal provisions. Cell Broadcast Les mer
DSU is the application developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to receive alerts from traffic, weather or natural calamity warnings. App Les mer Last ned The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore.
DSU is the application developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for mobile phones with Android and iOS systems, able to receive alerts from traffic, weather or natural calamity warnings. App Les mer Last ned The app is free of charge and can be downloaded to phones from Google Play and AppStore.

Spørsmål om mobilpriser i Romania

Går du tom for data, senkes hastigheten til 64 Kbit/s, men du faktureres ingenting. For å øke hastigheten kan du kjøpe datapakker* på Mine Sider eller i One-appen.

Dersom du har du har et abonnement med Autodata aktivert vil automatisk 1GB datapakke legges til (69,- kroner)
Logg inn på Mine Sider for å endre.

*Datapakker gjelder også i EU/EØS. 

For Albania, Aserbajdsjan, Australia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Filipinene, Færøyene, Georgia, Grønland, Guernsey, Hongkong, Indonesia, Isle of Man, Israel, Japan, Jersey, Kasakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Nord-Makedonia, Serbia, Singapore, Sveits, Sør-Afrika, Sør-Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tyrkia, USA og Vietnam kan vi anbefale UtlandsPakka.

Slå telefonen av og på. Dette løser problemet i mange tilfeller.
Sjekk at roaming er aktivert under mobildatainnstillinger på telefonen.
Sjekk at øvrige innstillinger stemmer. Mer informasjon om innstillinger

Vi varsler deg når du nærmer deg 80% og 100% av oppbrukt pakke. Dette varselet er ment som en tjeneste og er ingen garanti. Lurer du på hvor mye mobildata du har igjen kan du sjekke dette på Mine Sider eller i vår App.

Prisen for å ringe et norsk spesialnummer når du befinner deg i EU og EØS er samme pris som å ringe nummeret fra Norge. Se prisliste over spesialnumre her.

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