
Mobilpriser når du ringer eller sender SMS / MMS i utlandet 

Bruk i Tyskland

Bruk telefonen akkurat som hjemme når du er på reise i EU/EØS! 
Har du inkludert tale, SMS og data i abonnementet,
bruker du også av dette i EU/EØS og Storbritannia. 
Dersom du har et FolkePakka Full Data abonnement kan du bruke 50 GB i EU/EØS. Bruker du mer enn dette faktureres du 0,02 kroner per MB. Med FamiliePakka Full Data kan du bruke 100 GB data og betaler kun 0,02 kr per MB etter det. PrøveKjøp inkluderer 10 GB mobildata i EU/EØS, deretter belastes det 0,02 kr/MB.

Disse landene er inkludert i EU/EØS 

Når du er i EU/EØS og ringer til land utenfor EU/EØS gjelder priser under.

Bruk av mobildata 
Inkludert i abonnement
Ringe til Norge 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Motta samtaler 
Inkludert i abonnement
Sende SMS 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Sende MMS 
Inkludert i abonnement**
Motta MMS-meldinger 
Inkludert i abonnement**
Ringe lokalt 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Ringe EU/EØS 
Inkludert i abonnement*
Ringe resten av Europa
5,00 pr. min
Ringe verden 
19,00 pr. min 
Oppstartpris per samtale 
Inkludert i abonnement*

*For abonnement uten Fri tale og SMS aktivert gjelder 0,99 kr per min / oppstart av samtale og 0,69 kr per SMS

**Mobildata kreves

Andre mobiltjenester

Tyskland: +49

Nummer Navn/Beskrivelse Mer informasjon
115 Other Single government service telephone number / Under this phone number, a quick and uncomplicated first contact with the services of the entire public administration in Germany is possible. More complex questions will be forwarded to the responsible unit.
116 Other Numbers for harmonised services of social value / Numbers enable EU citizens to access certain services of high social value in all Member States under a single, recognizable telephone number.
1371 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1372 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1373 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1374 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1375 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1376 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1377 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1378 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
1379 Other Mass calling services / Services that are characterised by high volumes of short calls, during one or more brief intervals, to a destination with limited handling capacity.
164 Other Paging services
168 Other Paging services
169 Other Paging services
1801 Shared-Cost Numbers Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country.
1802 Shared-Cost Numbers Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country.
1803 Shared-Cost Numbers Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country.
1804 Shared-Cost Numbers Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country.
1805 Shared-Cost Numbers Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country.
1806 Shared-Cost Numbers Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country.
1807 Shared-Cost Numbers Medium rate services / Services for which the same rate is charged across the country.
181 Other Numbers for international virtual private networks (IVPNs)
182 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
183 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
184 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
185 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
186 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
187 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
188 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
189 Other Numbers for virtual private networks (VPNs)
32 Other National subscriber numbers / Numbers that are used for services enabling access to public telecommunications networks and that are not tied to a specific location.
700 Other Personal numbers / Numbers that provide access to and from every telecommunications network under one number, irrespective of the location, terminal equipment, transmission mode or technology.
800 Freephone Numbers
9001 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9003 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9005 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9000 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9002 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9004 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9006 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9007 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
9008 Premium-Rate numbers Premium rate numbers / Numbers providing a service in addition to the telecommunications service, which is charged to the caller along with the telecommunications service and which cannot be placed with another type of number.
Tilgang via Beskrivelse Nedlastningslenke Tilleggsinformasjon
Emergency Calls (Voice) 110 national emergency number for emergencies requiring the police
Emergency Calls (Voice) 112 single european emergency number
Tilgang via Type Lenke til beskrivelse Nedlastningslenke Tilleggsinformasjon
Cell Broadcast

Spørsmål om mobilpriser i Tyskland

Går du tom for data, senkes hastigheten til 64 Kbit/s, men du faktureres ingenting. For å øke hastigheten kan du kjøpe datapakker* på Mine Sider eller i One-appen.

Dersom du har du har et abonnement med Autodata aktivert vil automatisk 1GB datapakke legges til (69,- kroner)
Logg inn på Mine Sider for å endre.

*Datapakker gjelder også i EU/EØS. 

For Albania, Aserbajdsjan, Australia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Filipinene, Færøyene, Georgia, Grønland, Guernsey, Hongkong, Indonesia, Isle of Man, Israel, Japan, Jersey, Kasakhstan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Nord-Makedonia, Serbia, Singapore, Sveits, Sør-Afrika, Sør-Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tyrkia, USA og Vietnam kan vi anbefale UtlandsPakka.

Slå telefonen av og på. Dette løser problemet i mange tilfeller.
Sjekk at roaming er aktivert under mobildatainnstillinger på telefonen.
Sjekk at øvrige innstillinger stemmer. Mer informasjon om innstillinger

Vi varsler deg når du nærmer deg 80% og 100% av oppbrukt pakke. Dette varselet er ment som en tjeneste og er ingen garanti. Lurer du på hvor mye mobildata du har igjen kan du sjekke dette på Mine Sider eller i vår App.

Prisen for å ringe et norsk spesialnummer når du befinner deg i EU og EØS er samme pris som å ringe nummeret fra Norge. Se prisliste over spesialnumre her.

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